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Trophy Poster

Trophy Poster - Draw in Photoshop

If you want to undertake this tutorial you’re going to need a few things first. I have an album where I’ve included the images you’ll need. You’ll need to download all three images, make sure you download the hi-res uncompressed version. There is one of my previous tutorials I suggest you look at, not necessary at all but it takes you through the process of making the ribbon banner we’ll be using in this tutorial.

Ribbon Tutorial:

Start a new project. Make it a simple 800 by 600. Now press “D” this should set your palette colours to black and white (the default). Now make a new layer and go Filter > Render > Cloud. Nothing to intense yet, this is the stage we should be up to.
Now on that same layer go Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Use these settings. At this stage I would suggest that if it is darker in the middle press ctrl + I to invert the image, we need it to be a fairly light colour in the middle.
Now since it distorts the quality a little press ctrl + F, this repeats the last filter so you should have a better look image about now. So what we need to do next is make a new layer but put it underneath the one we already have. Now press “G” to select the paint bucket tool and flood fill that layer with this colour #dbc28b. Now we should have anything new yet. So go to the layer above and set its blending option to “Color Burn”.
These next few steps are a bit cheap but they work. Create a new layer. Press ctrl + “A” to select all. Now select “stroke”.
Now what we want is a 1px black stroke which is “inside” make sure you check that as it is important.
Now we have a black stroke but now we want to get rid of it, yes I’m serious. What we need to do is press ctrl + t to transform the layer. Now while holding shift AND alt resize the layer so it is just outside of our canvas.

Now you get to see why the hell I did that. Double click that layer to bring up the blending options and add an outer glow. Go ahead and put in these settings.
Now we should have a nice little border. For this next part we are going to have to edit an existing custom shape. Grab one of these shapes; make sure you hit the paths button. Now make a new instance, around this size. Press ctrl + h if it disappeared on you.
Now what we have to do is grab all the inner points. To do this, firstly use either the convert point tool or something like the path selection tool either is fine. Now all we have to do is hold shift while selecting the point. If you’re lazy like me you can do these sorts of selections to grab a few points at once.

Now once we have all inner points selected press ctrl + t to transform these inner points. While transforming you will need to hold both shift AND alt. What we need to do is make them go inwards a little more, like so.

Alright, now we need to make this a selection so right click that path and hit “Make Selection”. The options should be: 0 for the feather radius, anti-aliased is checked. Alright now we got this selection. Make a new layer for it and fill it with this colour # bb9a54. Right now it’s looking a bit ugly so set its blending option to “color burn”, like we did before.
If you have something slightly different at this stage don’t worry too much, its just because of the clouds filter we did at the start every person will have something slightly different.
Now we have to grab that stock image of the trophies. I’ve made the background a bright pink so it should be easy to cut out, I’d just use the magic wand. Once its cut out bring it into our picture. As you can see its way to big so press ctrl + t to transform it. If you want do the old shift and alt trick to resize down to something like this.
Now we need that other image, the fern type one. Again cut it out and bring it into our picture. Again it is too big, so resize it like so.
Go ahead and double click that layer to bring up the blending options. Add a gradient overlay with these settings. Play around with it if it doesn’t look right. It should though!
This next step I added a bit of text, the font is “Argus Medium” you can use what ever you wish. Place it like so.
Now what we need to do is select that text. We are looking at the layers. If you have text layers like me you will need to ctrl + click the first thumbnail one then shift + ctrl + click the second thumbnail. If you only have only text layer simply ctrl + click the text layer’s thumbnail. You’re text should now be highlighted.
Now what we need to do is expand that selection so go to select > modify > expand. Enter 3px and hit ok.
Now, with your selection still active, select your fern (leafy thing) layer and hit delete do the same for your star layer. It makes it stand out a little, should look like this.

Now if you have made your own ribbon banner from my previous tutorial its time to get it into our poster. If not I’ve provided you with one in description of this tutorial. Position it like so.
Now go ahead and make a path like so. Here we will place some text. To do so create the path then click on it using your Horizontal Text Tool, press “T” to select the tool.

Now what I’ve done here is just added a bit of text, the colour should be #895c0d.

Alright now, duplicate that text layer. Set the first one’s opacity to 25% and set the second ones blending option to “color burn”. If you got confused there and it doesn’t look right just try switching around the order of those text layers, should look like this.
I’ve added another text layer, just a website url to make it look legit. Arrange it like so.
Now we’re going to need that scroll stock photo, cut it out and bring it into our poster. Again its too big so resize it, and rotate it using ctrl + t, like so.
Now it looks a bit too faded, to give it a bit of intensity we’re going to change the brightness and contrast. Go image > adjustments > brightness/contrast and enter these settings.
Now we’re going to add some text, I used the font “BasicSansSF” but you can use any font. Type a bunch of stuff here and arrange it like this.
Now black is a little boring so lets spice it up a little. Change the colour of your text this colour # 312305. Then select one line and make it this colour #84631c. Still doesn’t look great does it? Change its blending option to “color burn”. Should look like this.

Well that’s the end of the tutorial folks, hope you liked it. Play around with certain things like the object used or the colours, see what you come up with!

Thank you.

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